Sunday, May 22, 2011

Helloooo America!

Well, I'm officially back on American soil with a belly full of pad thai and hard cider.  So many things have happened since my last post that I don't even know where to start.

Let's go with what's the most exciting to me at the moment:  The boy and I (aka Captain and Clark) will officially be attending the Nomading Film Festival.  Yeah I know, that's nothing new.  We were always planning on going, however, we just learned a week ago that our Sak Yant video is one of eleven that will be screened at the festival!   That's HUGE people.  HUGE.  It is such an honor to be accepted along with such a high caliber of other travelers and film makers.  We could even win the grand prize- a trip to India!  I was in utter shock and amazement.  I was excited to just have the opportunity to attend (and eat from the taco truck) but now we'll be able to watch our work on screen.  We're incredibly grateful.

Let's see... what else is there.  Oh, the boy and I were also invited to submit a video for the Best of the Road contest.  We could win an all expense paid road trip around the U.S.  The good news is that they're accepting 5 teams for this awesome adventure.  The bad news?  We are so so soooo late.  The last day to submit is tomorrow and we're working on our video now.  Oops.  To be fair, we've been moving our entire lives from South Korea to the States and we've been a little distracted.  If you don't mind, we would really appreciate it if you could lend a few minutes of your time (and a few clicks of your mouse) to register and vote for Captain and Clark.  You can do that by clicking here

Other than that, we've been busy soaking up America the best way we can... by eating.  A lot.  I've indulged in various cheeses, deli meat, beverages, and a variety of food that I've missed the past two years.  I also experienced one of the best long distance international plane rides of my life.  Here's my little piece of advice for you...

... exit row seating!  Right by the boarding door.  There's more legroom that you can handle.  It was amazing!  No one to push my tray table into my gut, no slinking in my chair in order to stretch my legs.  Also, if you're friendly to the flight attendants, they might even slip you the 1st class wine and food.  My glass and stomach were never empty.  I was also the very first person off of the plane.  Bonus.

A lot times the airlines will let you choose or request your seat.  If you're fully capable of responding in an emergency situation I would totally suggest you take the exit row seat.  It was more than worth it.

Well, that's all the updates I (and I suspect, you) can handle in one post.  Hope everyone's doing well and I'll be sure to keep you updated on our up and coming adventures!


  1. I feel similarly about an isle row around the attendant's station (usually the back of the plane on the right side). You're one of the first ones on (instead of off) but you're always given extra (free!) food and drink. Win!

    Also, totally voted for you! Keep up the work!

  2. I am so happy to hear (read, rather) that you made it back here safely. Hoping to see you at Lindsay's next weekend.

    I gave you a Stylish Blogger award :) Head on over to my blog to check it out and pass it on!

  3. Nice to hear that they're accepting 5 teams for this awesome adventure.


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