Monday, November 1, 2010

Dear Captain,

Even if I had all the time in the world, I would not be able to fully express how much you mean to me. You are an inspiration. From the first day I met you I knew there was something special about you. You have a certain je ne sais quoi about you. You're poised, confident and charismatic. You are so hardcore and raw, but you are also the most caring and attentive person I have ever known. You have challenged me from the start. You are constantly pushing me to achieve my goals and to aim for the stars. You make it seem as nothing is out of our grasp and I am constantly in awe at just how passionate you are.

You are the ideal travel companion. You are inquisitive and insightful and always ready and willing to explore our world. I look forward to all of our future endeavors. Know that you are loved beyond words and I thank God every day that I found you. I hope that the years ahead only multiply the success of your previous 24. Maybe one day our motto will change from "Enriching our lives, not our accounts" to "Enriching our lives AND our accounts". :)

I wish you the cheeriest, merriest, happiest, jolliest birthday of all time.

Happy birthday my darling.

So many pictures 095

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